MDSAP is a certification system established
by the International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (IMDRF) for joint review
for safety and quality management of medical device according to the
international standards. It is jointly operated by 5 members of IMDRF: United
States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and Japan.

For a medical device manufacturer that has
MDSAP certificate, only 5 countries: US (FDA), Canada (Health Canada), Japan
(MHLW), Australia (TGA), and Brazil (ANVISA) are fully or partially exempted
from certification review. This single review will save time and cost by
complying with regulatory requirements of the selected country.
IMDRF is a council of regulating
authorities established to integrate medical device regulations, and leading
the level and direction of medical device regulation around the world since
2011. In 2017, Korea joined IMDRF as an 10th official member,
following the US, EU, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Brazil, Russia, and